On April 24th Abigail turned 8 months old!! She continues to be our sweet and happy baby!
-Earlier in April, Abigail got really sick one week with a high fever. We went into the doctor and there she weighed 16 lbs 12 oz (41st %). Towards the end of the week she got a rash all over, and the doctor thought it was Roseola. Typically a viral infection that causes high fever and a rash. Even as a nurse, watching your baby get sick with a 104 fever is scary!! Her little cries and whimpers were enough to break my heart. Thankfully after a long week of Motrin, lots of naps and cuddles she was back to normal!
-Still in size 3 diapers
-Can no longer wear any 3-6 month clothes. Which stinks because she had a lot of those! I'm realizing we don't have as many 9 month size clothes or jammies!
Eyes and Hair:
-Still has gorgeous blue eyes!! Heres to hoping they don't go away!
-Her hair has gotten to the "fluffy" stage! Haha she has also become much more aware of her hair. She likes to play with it as she is falling asleep. It's also becoming more challenging to keep bows and head bands on her head!
-Just in this past month she had 3 new teeth pop up! She has a total of 5 teeth right now. Instead of getting the top middle ones (central incisors) first, she had both lateral incisors come in first. One of the top middle ones is making its way through. She looks like a little hill billy vampire! ;)
-SO much improvement over the past month! She is now sleeping through the night again, and its been great for all of us. My milk supply was starting to decrease without me realizing it, so she was waking up in the night because she was still hungry! Since we starting supplementing with formula, she is sleeping great.
-Always sleeps on her tummy.
-Lots of changes with this too lately. As of this week I have stopped breastfeeding her. Its been a bitter sweet transition! I loved nursing, but when my milk supply decreased I started to constantly stress about how much milk she was or was not getting. I really did not want to start pumping again, so I just decided to stop all together. Since I have a lot of breast milk stored, we have been giving her that and formula in the bottle. She is doing great with it. We have also been feeding her a lot more table food lately. Its nice not having to stock up on baby food as much. Some of her favorites: beans, eggs, pancakes, bananas. Lets be honest, she eats anything I put in front of her! Haha
-Army crawling! She is still trying to figure out what to do with her legs, but she's got the arm motions figured out. I turn away for a minute and she is on the other side of the room!
-She now drinks out of her sippy cup, and has also figured out how to drink from a straw.
-Likes to stand and hold onto something. I'm thinking she will be pulling up on things in no time.
-Clapping her hands! Its pretty cute.
-Food! As soon as I start eating, she opens her mouth just waiting for her turn! Haha
-The piano! She loves to bang on the keys while Robbie's mom plays. She has a toy piano that she loves too.
-Looking at herself in the mirror
-Splashing in the tub
-Playing with her blocks
-People watching, I'm pretty sure she could do this all day!
-Tickles from Dad
-Rubber duckies
-Swinging at the park
Thank you Abigail for always having a smile on your face and keeping us laughing!! We love you!