Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our Texas Wedding

     A few weeks ago we received a magazine in the mail called Texas Weddings 2013. I got really excited because a friend of mine happens to be the Logistics Coordinator for the Bridal Extravaganza show (who puts out the magazine). She told me to expect the magazine in the mail, and that there was a surprise in it! I couldn't believe it when I saw this...

....a 3 page spread of OUR wedding!! I was so excited, and grateful for this special opportunity! I love the article, and want to give a BIG thanks to my great friend/bridesmaid Jessica Darensbourg for writing it and planning everything. She knew our wedding would be featured in the magazine before we even got married! Props to her for keeping it a secret from me for nearly 8 months, it turned out to be a great surprise. Jess also told me the magazine would be sold in stores all over the state...I was shocked and blow away by that news! I would also like to thank the editor in chief of the magazine, and producer of the Bridal Extravaganza show, Laurette Veres for giving Jess the thumbs up to include our wedding in this issue!

Robbie and I were thrilled to be able to share pieces of our special day with many others. I plan on making some sort of collage out of the pages a long with other things from our wedding, but we'll see when I actually get around to that!


  1. So awesome!! You totally deserve it too -- your wedding was fabulous!

  2. Oh wow! That is so awesome! I wish I could have been there. What a great day!
